Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Back Home in Texas!

We're back in San Antonio. Our Mexico trip was a great adventure but I'm glad to be back and was singing "God Bless America" as we crossed the border! Doug really enjoyed getting to use his Spanish and had lots of opportunities to do just that.

We didn't have any trouble crossing back into the US. At the Mexican checkpoint, we turned in our tourist cards and truck permit but will keep the RV permit as it is good for 10 years. At US Customs, they had us pull over to the side of the road and searched our RV. First they brought in a dog to sniff for (we assumed) drugs; then two other officials looked to see what food we brought back. They questioned some of our meat but only confiscated Doug's granny smith apples!

We will stay here for a few weeks then head out on another excursion where we will ultimately end up at the Grand Canyon to do some hiking end of April.


At 3/18/2006, Blogger blanco said...

doug and elaine leave for mexico with very different views in mind. elaine realizes that this is a temporary trip to a foreign land with a foreign language and foreign customs and so she holds her breath and dives in. won't be staying under forever. meanwhile, doug recognizes that this is a great opportunity to make a first run at a possible long-term stay in said foreign land and puts on his scuba gear: he's in for the long haul. life in a faraway place happens, and they find themselves coming back north a little early, much to elaine's relief and a little to doug's dismay. but thank God they both enjoyed themselves and now they are back home safely. maybe they'll make another run for the border next winter? who knows? folks, that's just home on the road.

At 3/18/2006, Blogger blanco said...

we're glad you had a good time in mexico. but we're more glad you're back home in your wintering homeland: the great country of texas.


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