Sunday, January 22, 2006

Mesa, AZ / Grand Canyon

We're just returning from our 10 day excursion to Arizona with our good friends, Fred & Faye Merkel. We stayed and enjoyed visiting with and getting to know their family (Farrell & Dottie Bagshaw) in Mesa, AZ. We walked a nearby Cactus Garden each day and learned the names of many of the native desert plants. As you can see by the photo, oranges are in abundance in everyone's backyard, including the Bagshaws. They are so delicious too!

Since we were so close, we drove up north to see the Grand Canyon. We would not recommend hiking the month of January. It was cold and very windy, so we just stopped at some of the look-out points to get a good view. We plan to do the hiking trip in late April. Since this was our first visit to the canyon, it was quite breathtaking to say the least.

As we headed back south from the canyon, we spent the night in Williams, AZ at the Railroad RV Park, a brand new campground among the pines. We drove on down through Sadona -- what an awesome sight to see these amazing red rock mountains! A must if you haven't seen this area.

We'll be back in San Antonio for a couple more months before heading out for the canyon hike.


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