Monday, December 05, 2005

Merry Christmas from our Home to Yours

It’s hard to believe just a year ago we were making last minute plans for retirement and traveling in our “home on the road”. We’ve been through and/or stopped and visited 20 states this past year from New York to California and Mexico! It’s been a great adventure. We’ve enjoyed visiting family and friends in Indiana, Kansas, Arizona, California, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Texas. From the dessert saguaros and mountains of Arizona to the skyline of NYC – what a great way to see the USA!

We had a slight change in plans in October with Doug’s surgery for prostate cancer but that was only a speed bump in our road. We thank the good Lord for his recovery and the excellent skills of Dr. Jeff Cooper. As I write this, it has been 8 weeks since surgery and Doug is able to do all the activities he did before.

We spent the spring months in Kansas doing a remodeling job at Jenni & Dottie’s. This involved completely gutting their old main bathroom and starting over “from the ground up” and helping mow the yard, do laundry and whatever needed done to help them with their busy lives. Summer found us back home in Indiana at the home of our son and family working on various projects. Doug spent most of the time building a “lift bed” for Dallas’ work trailer and working on the outdoor boiler project. In the fall we helped move Jenée & family’s belongings from Pennsylvania to Texas.

It’s been great to be able to spend time with our children and grandchildren. They are all doing fine. Dallas is busy as always with his custom masonry repair and restoration business. Jordan is a freshman at Harrison High School and will be 15 yrs old in January. Chloe is 3 and will turn 4 in March. She is an energetic little girl that loves spending time outdoors and "helping" her daddy. Our son-in-law, Aaron, is currently putting together his business plan and is making progress toward opening his own coffee roasting business in San Antonio. Jenée is busy teaching pilates and ballet at “Life Fitness Center”, a new huge fitness center, and also teaching at Ballet San Antonio. Caelum is 4 and will turn 5 in February. Aden was 3 in August. They both attend the Aragón Spanish Academy for pre-schoolers and are picking up the language quickly along with the usual preschool activities.

If you’re interested in some of our other activities and events such as family weddings, destinations and more family pictures, scroll on down this web page.

We want to wish each of you and your families a joyous Christmas and all God’s blessings in the New Year.

Doug & Elaine


At 12/13/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an adventure! We really look forward to seeing what you are doing next and where you are. Hoping that you can make it back to California before going back to Indiana. Bring your camera and we'll pose.
Have a wonderful Christmas with all of your family.
Sandra & Dave

At 12/14/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Hello E and Doug!!!
Great to see you doing so many "fun" things. I am so happy for the both of you!!!
I am tellin ya family is where it's at!! You take care and stay in touch,

At 12/23/2005, Blogger blanco said...

you've really seen it all this year, haven't you? just think of the differences between manhattan and heath!

been a good year 'breaking in' the everest. here's to many more years of enjoyment in your home.

merry christmas!


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