Sunday, October 16, 2005

Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Best

Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Best

We arrived in Oskaloosa, KS on Friday, Oct. 14. Doug had his follow-up visit with Dr. Cooper and he gave us the “OK” for Doug to travel as long as he didn’t drive. So, I packed up everything Thursday afternoon and we “hit the road”! Doug was comfortable traveling with his pillow and blanket in the back seat of the truck while I drove the rig 550 miles to our destination. He is improving and gaining strength each day and just taking it easy. The pathological report showed all of the cancer was removed with surgery. We thank the Lord, Dr. Cooper, and each of you for your prayers.

Bryan & Cari Best’s wedding reception was Saturday, Oct. 15 in Lawrence, KS. Since they were married on the Bahama Islands on Oct. 7th, the theme for the reception was Caribbean. A fun time was had by all. CONGRATULATIONS, Bryan & Cari Best!

We will stay here in Oskaloosa a couple weeks and then head south to Sarasota, Florida and Sun 'N Fun RV Resort, where we will attend another nephew’s wedding on the island of Anna Maria.


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