Monday, October 10, 2005

Surgery & Still Smiling!

Surgery and Still Smiling!

I’m home from the hospital and doing fine. All those prayer petitions so many of you offered got me through to this point. I can’t thank everyone enough! We’re hoping for a little more good news as I go back to the clinic Thursday to see if the last of the four tubes and staples can be removed. They should have the pathological report back by then as well and hopefully I will be cancer-free.

Guys, get that annual PSA checked. It’s only a stick in the arm. Even if it leads to a prostatectomy, advanced cancer could be a lot worse. I could get into some of the gory details but you might be reading this too close to lunch time!

Hearing the furnace kick on makes us aware of cold weather being eminent and we are getting a little anxious to start south. Jenee and Aaron are now in San Antonio and we heard the pod we helped them load in PA last month had arrived in Austin. “Were their belongings lost?” you might ask. They saved several hundred dollars by taking everything to the pod terminal in NJ and picking it up at the Austin terminal themselves. We haven’t heard how everything fared yet. We will be spending a month or so in SA starting late Nov doing whatever needs done. Jenee called yesterday afternoon with more campground information. We’re checking into which campground offers the most for the money and is fairly close to the Blancos.


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