Wednesday, February 22, 2006

At Home in Mexico

Plaza de Armas

Cathedral de Santiago

Hotel Imperial del Norte & Trailer Park, Saltillo, Mexico

We visited Jorge & Margarita in Monterrey, MX. Margarita was Doug's Spanish teacher at Purdue two years ago!


At 2/22/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Doug & Elaine!!

Looks like you are having a wonderful time touring the US and Mexico. The place in Mexico looks beautiful and Sedona, been there, and would go back in a sedond. Our winter has been pretty mild as well, but we aren't swimming. AJ is getting so big these day and its hard to believe he is only three sometimes. Look forward to seeing you in Indiana this summer. Happy Travels!

The Rhody's

At 3/11/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great place to be touring. I'm sure you are having a wonderful time. We really look forward to seeing where you are next. It's cool and rainy here in San Diego, but we aren't shoveling snow! Hoping you make it on out this way before heading back to Indiana. Love, Sandra & Dave


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