Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Mesa to Mexico!

After meeting up with Fred & Faye and a short visit with Farrell & Dottie Bagshaw (long enough to pick fresh oranges, grapefruit & lemons!) in Mesa, AZ, we headed south and crossed the border into Mexico at Nogales.
We arrived in Hermosillo (about 170 mi. from the border) around 7PM on January 17th. Luckily we found a campground just as we were entering the city.

The next day we drove on over to Kino Bay (about 66 mi). The beauty of the quiet beaches, the desert, and the sun shining on the Sea of Cortez, made for a very awesome introduction to Bahía de Kino! We will stay 10 days at La Playa RV & Hotel.
There are two sections to the town of Bahia de Kino. The first section is known as "Kino Viejo" (Old Kino), a small fishing village. The other section is known as "Kino Nuevo" (New Kino). This is the section where most RV parks, villas and condos are located along the beach. There is not much in the way of "things to do" other than walking the beach and enjoying the sunshine, which we do every day! We have been to a couple little ceramic shops, a small grocery, and pharmacy in the village as well as stopped and bought fresh fish at the fish market. Here at La Playa, the "water" man comes every day with 5 gal. water bottles for $.50 and the vegetable man brings a truck load of fresh vegetables a couple times a week.

We are enjoying this peaceful, beautiful setting before heading back to Texas.


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