Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all our family and friends from all of us in San Antonio! We enjoyed a nice day and meal with Aaron, Jenee, Caleum & Aden. We also took the kids to the annual Holiday boat/float parade on the Riverwalk. That was fun!

While I've been enjoying our grandchildren, Doug's been working on a few projects this past month. He's done some repairs on Aaron & Jenee's car and also did some electrical installation at Ruta Maya Coffee House in downtown San Antonio for Aaron's recent Texas Barista Jam. Aaron's Brown Coffee Co. sponsored this event which was intended to bring together Baristas from the local and surrounding area coffee shops. It featured sampling coffees from around the world, latest innovations in coffee brewing, and speakers such as Edwin, a Guatemalan coffee plantation owner pictured below.


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