Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New Grandson!

Hi. My name is Namen Perez Blanco and I arrived on my due date Wed., January 21, 2009.
I was really anxious to get here. My Mama & Dada had planned for me to be born at home with some nice ladies called midwives, but I surprised them all and came before the midwives could get here. Mama Jenee and Dada Aaron delivered me -- that was pretty fun for me though I don't think it was much fun for them. Mama said I was born beautiful, healthy and started crying right away. I weighed in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and measured 20 1/2" long. I have dark hair & eyes. Everyone says I look a lot like my big brother Caelum who came soon to see me along with my big sister Aden, Grandpa Jesse, Grandma Barbara, Grandpa Dougie and Grandma Elaine.

Whew -- we DID it!!!

Here I am with my family!

My big sis Aden & big bro Caelum

My grandmas and grandpas love me
and think I'm pretty special!


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