Friday, December 05, 2008

Christmas Blessings!

December 2008

Dear Family & Friends,

It’s hard to believe we’ve been retired for four years and ready to begin our fifth! Doug and I were blessed with good health and the opportunity to continue our RV journey visiting with family and friends this past year… and we’re not tired of it yet! Due to projects and diesel prices, we didn’t do any extended traveling other than our main stays in Texas, Indiana and Kansas.

In early February we drove over to Katy, TX (Houston) to visit with Fred & Faye and then the four of us drove down to Galveston Bay for a day. Later that month, Jenni & Dottie flew into San Antonio for a weekend of hiking, eating & singing! Much of our time from January through March was spent working at our son-in-law Aaron's business -- The Brown Coffee (Roasting) Co. painting, plumbing, installing Big Brown roaster and just getting everything up and going in the new location. Our daughter Jenee was working full-time for Citi Bank so I had our two grandchildren much of the time. We always have fun with Caelum (age 7 1/2) & Aden (age 6)!

The first of April found us back at our son’s home in Lafayette, IN. This spring Dallas had two new baby pigs to feed out over the summer and fall. In addition to their two pigs, Chloe had 19 chickens and five ducks! We were busy April through September helping with animals, building a ‘hog smoker’, mowing the lawn, playing with our granddaughter Chloe and many other misc. projects! It wasn’t all work, though… we had some fun events too -- the annual Cook-out ’08, fishing on the river and eating & dancing on the Madam Carroll Cruise with Dallas & Christy, visiting Fair Oaks Dairy Farm, boating and skiing on Lake Freeman with Tara & Wayne, and taking Chloe (age 6) to Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom. We had a GREAT summer with our Indiana family & friends. We're always sad to leave but at the same time, we look forward to getting back "on the road again"!

We made our May trip to KS and spent three weeks helping with their latest project house renovation in Oskaloosa and again in October when we spent the month helping Jenni & Dottie move into their new home.

We arrived back 'home' in Texas the first of November in time to celebrate Elaine’s birthday and vote! It was good to be back with our TX family and our friends at Travis Park UMC, singing once again with The Celebration Singers. We are looking forward to a new grandbaby that will arrive in January '09!

We wish each of you a blessed Christmas and may God’s Peace and Love abide in your hearts and homes in 2009 and always.

Doug & Elaine

Phone: 210-487-0390


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