Friday, December 04, 2009

Christmas Greetings 2009

Dear Family & Friends,

Our 5th year of the ‘journey’, living & traveling in our 35’ 5th wheel, was a good one. We spent the winter months of November through March in San Antonio near our Texas family-- daughter Jenee, son-in-law Aaron and their three children Caelum age 8 ½, Aden age 7 and Namen age 10 mos. The highlight this past winter was the birth of our grandson Namen Blanco born January 21, 2009. You may have heard about his exciting arrival. His Mommy and Daddy delivered him at home! The midwife was on her way but didn’t get there quite in time for his birth. Anxious little Namen was born healthy and Mommy & Daddy survived just fine! He is such a sweet, good-natured little guy. We are sure enjoying him!

Another fun event was Dallas & Christy’s visit to San Antonio in February!

Doug spent much of the winter months at the Brown Coffee Company working on the big coffee roaster and helping with various projects at Carl's print shop. Of course, I was over at our daughter’s most of the time especially after the baby was born helping out there! Notice I didn’t say I was ‘working’, ‘cause it was fun stuff!

April through September was spent in Indiana at our son Dallas, Christy and granddaughter Chloe's (age 71/2) place in Lafayette, Indiana. We spent three weeks in May in Oskaloosa, KS building a shed at Jenni & Dottie's new home property. It was a busy but fun summer…our son kept his Dad busy on several projects and I had spent my days tending the chickens, pigs, dog, yard, house-cleaning/laundry etc.!

We also 'enjoyed' ;-) wine-making this summer. We made two different honey meads: Hank's Crow (white) & Hank's Revenge (red). Then we added Thorny Hank's made from fresh raspberries our niece Wendy picked in Michigan and Indiana grown blueberry wine!

We had some fun events with family and friends this spring & summer. Highlights included my Mom’s big 80th birthday celebration in May, the annual Hog Roast end of June, and dinner/dance cruises on the Madam Carroll!

Most of October was spent doing various projects for Jenni & Dottie as well as a long weekend trip to St. Petersburg Beach, Florida to celebrate Doug, Dottie’s and my 60th birthdays which happened this year!

We arrived back in South Texas the end of October and are enjoying singing once again with our friends, the Celebration Singers, at Travis Park United Methodist Church. Each December our church reserves several river barges and we all go caroling on the Riverwalk. This year, Doug & I have been asked to lead the caroling on one of the boats so we have been practicing all the Christmas carols. Doug blew the dust off the acoustic guitar and is conditioning his fingers for the event!

We wish each of you a blessed Christmas and may God’s Pe
ace and Love abide in your hearts and homes in 2010 and always.

Doug & Elaine


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