Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New Grandson!

Hi. My name is Namen Perez Blanco and I arrived on my due date Wed., January 21, 2009.
I was really anxious to get here. My Mama & Dada had planned for me to be born at home with some nice ladies called midwives, but I surprised them all and came before the midwives could get here. Mama Jenee and Dada Aaron delivered me -- that was pretty fun for me though I don't think it was much fun for them. Mama said I was born beautiful, healthy and started crying right away. I weighed in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and measured 20 1/2" long. I have dark hair & eyes. Everyone says I look a lot like my big brother Caelum who came soon to see me along with my big sister Aden, Grandpa Jesse, Grandma Barbara, Grandpa Dougie and Grandma Elaine.

Whew -- we DID it!!!

Here I am with my family!

My big sis Aden & big bro Caelum

My grandmas and grandpas love me
and think I'm pretty special!

Monday, January 05, 2009

It's Christmas, and God Bless Everyone!

Preparing the Christmas Meal

The Christmas Feast

The Christmas 'Ducken'! For a more hilarious account,

A Christmas reading by Caelum
Christmas Epiphany gifts

Christmas Cowgirl turns into. . . .
Christmas Angel Aden!

Christmas baby to come!

Meanwhile, back in Indiana. . . .

Chloe shops for a Christmas Tree

and makes Christmas cookies... with some help!

Christmas Daisy Dog!

A Christmas Kiss

The Christmas Gang!

A New Years Surprise Visit to Oskaloosa!