Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Family Gathers at Christmas

We spent Christmas Day with our Blanco family here in San Antonio. Right to left: Caelum, Jenee, Aaron, Barbara, Jesse, Aden, Elaine & Doug. There were gifts, good food (check out the yummy chocolate mice made by Jenee & the kids!) and a fun evening of Rummikub!

On December 27th we flew San Antonio-Memphis-Indianapolis and spent 4 1/2 days with Dallas, granddaughter Chloe and Dallas' friend Christy. We then attended the Hathaway Family Christmas gathering at Carole & Eric's warm & hospitable home on the 29th with 55 adults, children and babies! (that's the prize they got for having the biggest house). We all had a great time and the cousins especially enjoyed spending some time together!


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