Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Brown Coffee Co. Moves!

The Brown Coffee Co. (our son-in-law Aaron's coffee roasting business) moved today from 7406 Garden Grove garage, to 1702 King's Highway building. Doug & Aaron got everything set up and Aaron was roasting coffee beans in no time!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Family Gathers at Christmas

We spent Christmas Day with our Blanco family here in San Antonio. Right to left: Caelum, Jenee, Aaron, Barbara, Jesse, Aden, Elaine & Doug. There were gifts, good food (check out the yummy chocolate mice made by Jenee & the kids!) and a fun evening of Rummikub!

On December 27th we flew San Antonio-Memphis-Indianapolis and spent 4 1/2 days with Dallas, granddaughter Chloe and Dallas' friend Christy. We then attended the Hathaway Family Christmas gathering at Carole & Eric's warm & hospitable home on the 29th with 55 adults, children and babies! (that's the prize they got for having the biggest house). We all had a great time and the cousins especially enjoyed spending some time together!