Monday, July 25, 2011

Some recent photos of our Texas Family!

As of this posting (July 25, 2011), Blanco baby #4 has not arrived yet but due any day! Jenee is doing her stretches to make it happen!! My next post will be of the newest grandbaby :) so stay tuned!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Family Fun & Projects in Kansas!

We drove out to Oskaloosa, KS for a couple weeks to help out after Dottie's surgery. Here she is in the photo at left but not in any others as she was recovering from hip replacement surgery! Doug worked on deck support for a future hot tub; I helped around the house doing whatever I could to help Dottie BUT we did find time for recreation!

Family Fun in Indiana!


We always have fun playing music when Doug's brother Chuck comes for his annual visit. We were also excited to have Maria & Robin (of the Tone Bones) Littleton and 'Oakey' with us!!

Chloe's Summer Fun!

Summer flies by so are some of the activities Chloe's been enjoying this summer: Her new 4-wheeler; playing at the park; hugging her dog Sam; 1st swim lesson; mmmm corn-on-the-cob; keeping cool; dressed up for Sunday church; singing with Katie and crazy girls in the creek!