Saturday, June 28, 2008

Food, Fun & Fellowship at CookOut '08!

The weather cooperated and it turned out to be a beautiful day this year for the annual "end of June/Dallas' 36th birthday event". We had lots of people, food, music, and fun for kids of all ages!
Fryin' Fish...




Featuring Chuck Latia on the drums...

and Dallas Latia on the drums...

... and duelin' drums!

Next day -- Clean-up!!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Meanwhile, back on the farm....

What a handsome rooster -- OK, they're BOTH handsome and he (rooster on left) is crowing every morning now around 6:00 a.m.! The ducks have grown a lot too and sure enjoy the pool water. The PIGS.... Clementine & Snowflake are so tame, they eat out of a spoon! and Daisy dog is getting good at pulling the wagon!