Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Big Brown Project, Truck-Pull, Tower & Tomatoes!

July has come to an end, but it was a month full of fun projects and events here in Indiana!

The Big Brown Coffee Roaster project is off & going. Doug has been working on building a coffee roaster for The Brown Coffee Co. (our son-in-law Aaron’s company). This roaster is being built of miscellaneous scrap material & parts but promises to be a roaster with all the “bells & whistles” and he hopes will roast about 4 times the amount of coffee beans currently in use at Brown Coffee Co., and at very little cost. Doug hopes to have the project completed by the time we start heading west this fall.

Our son, Dallas, decided he was going to participate in the local county fair Truck Pull this year. So after Dad Doug rebuilt the exhaust system on Dallas’ ’01 Dodge 2500 diesel pick-up, off he went. Dallas had hoped to pull at least 200 ft. but surpassed his own expectations when he pulled 253 ft.! He said afterwards he hasn’t had that much fun in a long time. No doubt he’ll be entering the competition again next year with more truck modifications to come!

We have searched high & low for a means of getting high speed internet access in this area but to no avail. After having high speed internet everywhere else we’ve been in the country, including Mexico, we were really bummed with the super slow dial-up speed here in rural Lafayette. Recently Doug & Dallas acquired an 80’ tower which we are in the process of refurbishing and will set it in place in the next few days. At that time, we hope to connect with a provider that has assured us of wireless broad band high speed access – we’re crossing our fingers!! We're updating this blog from Panera Bread so hopefully we can do the next update from our RV.

Dallas’ gardens did very well this year. It must have been just the right amount of moisture, sun and good soil as he has had lots of cucumbers, strawberries, onions, carrots, peppers, green beans, yellow squash, watermelon… and, TOMATOES! We sure have enjoyed these fresh fruits and vegetables!