Saturday, June 30, 2007

Grandkids Summer Fun '07!

.... some highlights of Caelum & Aden's visit to Indiana and fun times with cousin Chloe and other cousins! They each got to have a ride on "Lotta", our next door neighbor's horse. Aden REALLY enjoyed this as she is an avid horse lover! A good time was had by all at the Indiana Beach outing... and playing with Grandpa is always great!

.... and then they all went home -- whew!!! But it was fun :)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rain or Shine -- Hog Roast '07 Happens!

Once again Dallas & crew cooked up a feast of pork, fish, deer and squirrel, celebrating his 35th birthday. Family & friends came out to share in the festivities and though the rain kept coming down, the party went on!