Sunday, September 24, 2006

Family of the Month!

We're back in Oskaloosa, KS for a few weeks before heading on down to San Antonio, TX for the winter. Today, Jenni & Dottie were honored at Oskaloosa United Methodist Church as "family of the month" by their youth group. We were so glad we got to be here for this special occasion!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Wagon Ride!

Just before leaving Lafayette, we went on an adventurous ride in an old grain wagon that Dallas acquired, pulled by his 460 International tractor. Dallas took us (me, Doug, Fred, Faye and Chloe) around a "country block", back through the woods and up from the creek. That sure was fun!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

We are FAMILY!

Chloe met two of her 2nd cousins (AJ and Ethan) for the first time and had a fun day playing with them at Uncle Wayne & Aunt Tara's on Lake Freeman. Here are the three of them waiting and watching for the big Madame Carroll boat to go by. Chloe also took her first boat ride which she thought was great fun!